Rules, Regulations & Guides
Every member of the IoCE is bound by these rules and regulations.
Codes of Professional Conduct
The Code of Professional Code sets out the general rules and expectations for the conduct of Members. These general rules establish the standard of behaviour expected ofMembers.
These general rules of conduct are, broadly: integrity, respect and non-discrimination, professional competence and due care, professional behavior, and fairness, transparency and accountability. [DRAFT CPC]
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Member's Pledge
At the IoCE, we believe in ethical professional development of all our members, and we pride ourselves with creating a platform that partners with our members through the provision of tools and methods needed to help them be as ethically competitive and profitable as possible.
For the IoCE to best achieve its ethical professional development goal and for our members to promote ethical business practices that enhance their credibility and profitability, we all need to stand as one. [DRAFT PLEDGE]
A Guide to Good Ethical Behaviour
As a Member of IoCE, you are expected to conduct yourself in an ethical manner to foster a culture of ethical entrepreneurship and to further the objectives of IoCE.
Set out in the downloadable document below are the IoCE’s characteristics of ethical behaviour. These characteristics are interconnected and therefore cannot be effectively implemented in the absence of any.
Whistleblower Guide for Entrepreneurs
The IoCE is founded on the principle of ethical entrepreneurship and its commitment to accountable and transparent governance and ethical conduct. Therefore, IoCE is committed to preventing, detecting, and addressing Unethical and Unlawful Conduct within and among IoCE and its Employees, Members, Service Providers and Third Parties. Whistle-blowing is central to this commitment. [DRAFT WGE]