Jess Wilder
Mar 17, 2023
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Climate change and adaptation should thus not be treated as an exclusive corporate C-suite and government exigency but a pandemic that enjoins reimagining and commitment to judicious, ethical and inclusive leadership.
This presentation aims to explore the impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) on the employment and labour environment, with a special focus on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and ethical entrepreneurship.
As ESG factors become increasingly important for businesses, SMEs must also consider the impact of their actions on the environment, society, and governance to ensure sustainable growth. The presentation will examine the challenges faced by SMEs in implementing ESG practices and the potential benefits of doing so.
Furthermore, this presentation will discuss the role that different stakeholders such as corporates, universities, municipalities, and other institutions can play in supporting SMEs in implementing ESG practices.
In sum, the presentation will argue that SMEs have a crucial role to play in promoting justice in energy transition and mitigation; sustainable growth; and positive impact on the employment and labour environment through impactful ESGs.
Putting wellbeing and health at the heart of sustainability projects is crucial to building the people-planet-profit culture that organisations will be expected to demonstrate in the coming years. ESGs are a key enabler.
Climate action demands translation of ideas, policies and strategies into bold, innovative, inclusive, just, ethical, and sustainable action.
The “race to zero” and the imperatives for justice in energy transition – an analysis of ESGs and the small medium enterprises ecosystem.
initiatives are some of the small but practical ways we pursue to demystify sustainability as an exclusively C-suite exigency.
Tebogo Khaas is an accomplished writer, columnist, political commentator, social justice activist, IT network engineer, and entrepreneur with vast experience advocating for public benefit causes. Through his work, Khaas has demonstrated a deep commitment to promoting public accountability, SME development, and ethical entrepreneurship.
As a writer and columnist, Khaas has tackled a wide range of topics, including social justice, human rights, environmental sustainability, and corporate responsibility. His work has been published in numerous outlets and has earned him a reputation as a thought leader in these areas including on governance by a top global auditing firm.
In addition to his writings, Khaas is also a highly respected political commentator and social justice activist. He has been a vocal advocate for human rights, civil liberties, and government accountability, and has been involved in numerous campaigns to promote these values.
As an IT network engineer and entrepreneur, Khaas has demonstrated a deep understanding of the importance of technology and innovation in promoting positive social change. He has founded several impactful social enterprises and has been a leader in promoting ethical entrepreneurship and sustainable business practices.
Overall, Khaas' broad range of skills and experiences have uniquely positioned him as a passionate and effective advocate for social good. His dedication to promoting ethical entrepreneurship and public accountability has made a significant impact in his community and beyond.